Thursday, 15 December 2011

Final Productions

Indications of my music scene.

Keith Flint is the lead singer of The Prodigy and he really conveys the mood created by my chosen music scene.

This image of electronic genuis' Daft Punk shows how there is a futuristic element in my music scene. This is why they were chocen to create the soundtrack for Walt Disney's Tron Legacy, which is a futuristic style film.This video represnts the technical, core electronic side of the music. This can be seen below-

DAFT PUNK - DEREZZED (From the Tron Legacy Soundtrack) from Warren Fu on Vimeo.

However this video from The Prodigy below show's how the energy greated by the music makes it a much loved music scene-

Breathe from World's On Fire CD/DVD/Blu-ray from The Prodigy on Vimeo.

Examples of photography from my shoot.

This image is one i particularly liked, therefore it features on my front cover. It gives a direct mode of address with the audience, meaning that they feel involved in the mood she's creating.

In this shot you can see that i've varied the lighting used to try and create a different effect. The lighting in this one shows the lighting pointed directly at the model. I did this so my model stood out and her features were amplified. I have still maintained the direct mode of address.

On this image, I tried using an indirect mode of address. I felt it seemed to calm and lifeless for the music scene i'm aiming my magazine at. I feel the image must reflect the nature of the music- which this doesn't.

Lastly, in this image i tried changing the lighting again to create a different effect on the model. However, i believe that the dark mysterious look which is created by using this specific lighting would be more suited to the Rock or the Indie scene. This is why I chose not to use images of such nature.

Friday, 9 December 2011

image for seve boyes.

Drafts of my magazine throughout creation.

A made a few print screens throughout production, hopefully you can see the progression made throughout right through to the final draft which lies at the bottom.
This was my first cover, as you can see it needed alot of work doing to it.

Creating my magazine.

Below are most of the graphics i have used in prodcing my magazine piece. Some are missing due to them not being saved properly but the majority are there-

Friday, 25 November 2011

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Readership Profile.

Prior to producing my music magazine cover, i produced a readership profile sheet on who my magazine was aimed at. This meant that i could base articles around my intended audience so they were relevent to the cause. Through the readhership profile i can visually see the interests of my audience and what makes them tick. I shall play to these by featuring alot of these on the front cover so my audience will be drawn to it almost instantly. The Readership Profile was based on an existing Electronic style music magazine called Mixmag. I did this as my magazine will share the same audience so I need to find out what the demand from such a magazine. My completed profile is below:

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


In preparation to creating my own music magazine, we researched concepts with different magazine front covers and also had a look at professional photography in order to decide the kind of images we would want for our own music genre. We enclosed all this within two powerpoint presentations.
6B - Magazine Conventions Students)

6A - Professional Photography Students)

Monday, 17 October 2011

Completed Front Cover and Contents Page

College Magazine Evaluation
During the photography, I learnt a range of new skills and key words. I learnt about the use of framing and all the different features of a photograph of a person such as Mode of Address. I believe for my own photography it could have gone better as much front cover image was more of a medium shot than a medium close up like required. This is because due to there only being two of us, we couldn’t position the camera in a favourable place and get us both within the shot.
I believe that I learnt a lot about using the software as Photoshop used to be completely alien to me. However, I can now confidently crop out the background of a photo and edit the colouring and lighting. This is something I would not have been able to do before therefore this is a great help to me. Also, using In Design was something new to me so learning to use that software was greatly useful as it made the process of making the front cover and contents page very easy.
I think that my over-all magazine cover was a bit of a disappointment. I did not get the effect I was looking for. However I believe this is due to the white background. I initially wanted a black background but this was too much of a task as the pictured kept on losing focus on that background for whatever reason. Also whilst using In Design each item has a box around it, and now that they were taken away, may page has a lot of white gaps in which does not look professional at all. I believe that I used the house style effectively and the style of the magazine remains constant. It does look feasible as a college magazine yet I believe I could have done a much better job.
I chose what I did because I wanted to create a magazine that would appeal to students and actually make them want to read it. No student want’s an information booklet on universities or loads of information that doesn’t apply to them. This is why I used the information from my questionnaire to create the articles. This can be shown by promoting “The Strokes”. This is because a lot of the participants in my questionnaire enjoyed indie music so it seemed obvious to feature it in my magazine. Also, the free gift of ‘Festive Condoms’ is there purely for fact people said they would be interested in reading about sexual relations and relationships in my questionnaire. This would encourage people to buy the magazine and also help promote safe sex which is both beneficial and sensible. I tried to display my magazine as speaking on the same level as the students so an informal tone is used and the articles are something they can relate to.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Planning for my College Magazine.

College Magazine
1. The name of my magazine will be CLM. (College Lifestyle Magazine)
2. This is what I will plan to make my magazine similar to.

3. It will be the winter edition.
4. Colour Scheme- Red, Black and White.
5. Headlines- COLLEGE SET TO BE HIT BY WORST SNOWFALL FOR 30 YEARS or HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR CHRISTMAS. Kickers- Chance to win gig tickets. Latest winter fashion. Advice on university. Interview with local bands. Christmas wish list.

I have chosen the colour scheme due to the fact i associate all of those colours with winter. Red- Chirstmas White- Snow Black- Represents dark nights. The Kickers have been specifically rendered to meet the needs of the students that i questionned in my questionnaire.

After i did this initial plan for my Magazine, Myself and a couple of other class mates ventured around the college looking for ideal photographs for the front cover. We were given a criteria that the cover image had to be a medium-close up. We also tried to make the image tie in with the edition of the magazine and this is shown by the clothes worn.

Friday, 30 September 2011

My own photoshop experiment

I have attempted to combine this background with Keith Flint from the prodigy. Below is my end result-

My Questionnaire

For each participant in my questionnaire, i gave them each an individual number so i could track their results throughout. This way, i can get a more precise evalutation for each student.
Below is my questionnaire, each question has it's own results. The paticipants will have their numbers in brackets next to their chosen answer.

1) How old are you?
     16 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

2) Are you currently in a relationship?
    Yes (3,4,5,6,10)
     No (1,2,7,8,9,12,13,14)

3) Are you a glass half full kind of person or a glass half empty?
   Half Full (3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
   Half Empty(1,2,4,14)

4) How many times a month do you socialize outside of college?
    2-3 Times
    5-10 Times (5,6,14)
    10 + (1,2,3,4,7,8,11,9,10,12,13)

5) Which gender is the participant?
     Male (1,5,6,7,13,14)

6) What is your favourite music genre?
    Pop (2,3,8)
    Rock (9)
    Hip-Hop (1,5,6)
    Other (11,12,13,14)

7) What is most important to you?
     Friendship (3,4,8,10)
     Money (5)
     Power (6,7,14)
     Respect (9,11,12)

8. Do you belong to a large group of friends or a small group of close friends?
    Large (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

9. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
    Introvert (1,2,11,12,13,14)

10) Do you have any interesting hobbies?
      None (1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,14)
      Dance (2)
      Football (7, 13)
      Singing (11)

11) Which is most valuable in a college magazine?
       University advice (1,4,5,6,7,12,14)
       Enrichment oppertunities
       Subject information
       College advice (2,3,8,9,10,11,13)

12. Would you find articles on sexual health and relationships helpful to you?
      Yes (5,6,9,11,13,14)
      No (1,2,3,4,7,8,10,12)

13. Do you think having articles promoting respect would appeal to you?
      Yes (5,9,11)
      No (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,14)

14. What do your parents work as?
      Mechanic (1)                                   Retail Assistant (1,2)
      Office Worker (2)                           Florist (3)
      Meter Reader  (3)                           Hair Dresser (4)
      Restraunt owner (4)                        Trucker (5)
      Council         (5,6                            Joiner (7)
      Teaching (7,11,12,13,14                 Manager (8)
      Carer  (8,9)                                     Scaffolder (9)
      Jeweller  (10)                                  ICI (12)
      Engineer (13)                                  Finance (14)

 15. What kind of home do you live in?
       Semi-detached (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
       Detached (14)
       Terraced (1)

  16. Do you buy your clothes from one shop or a range of shops?
       One Shop
       Range of shops (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

 17. Do you crave to be successful in whatever you do?
       Yes (2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,13,14)
        No (1,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14)
 18. Do you go out of your way to please others?
      Yes (2,3,4,8,12)
      No (1,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14)

I specifically chose my questions in order for me to get a perspective of my participants. For example I used Maslow's Hierarchy of needs in question 7, 12 and 13. For example, 7 shows that Friendship and Respect were the most important to my audience. This means that esteem and love/belonging are what appeals most to my participants.
I attempted to find out my paticipant's NRS Social Grades by asking them about their parent's occupations. Finding out the salary of their occupations would help me find each participants social grades.
Thirdly I looked into the Psycographics in marketing, advertising and sales. This is why I used the last three questions. I was trying to find out if any of my participants were brand loyal. If they were they would belong to the Belonger category. Then i asked question 17 to see if they prioritise their work and always want to be the greatest in their work. If so, they would belong to the Acheiver category. Lastly, I asked question 18 to see whether the people try to promote themselves to the likes of the achievers. If this was the case, they would fit into the emulator category.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Original Photography

Photo shoot with keiran Froom and will Walters

Above and below, a medium close up of two people, where their clothes stand out against a background. We chose to take these pictures against the brick wall, and the clothes been worn were dark and made the brick work look delicate.

This shot was careful use of framing. We chose the trees to frame the picture as they surround the main focus in a controlled way.

We used a rose as our interesting texture as it is built up if layers and shades, and the grass behind adds to the texture of the rose.

This was a low angled shot, we were stood on a wall while the photographer was stood on the floor so we could get a good quality low angled shot.

This was another shot for careful use of framing.

This was a shot we took as an interesting textured back ground, it has a creepy and haunted feel to it.

This was a photo which we used to demonstrate the rule of thirds.

This photo demonstrates juxtaposition, we took a delicate and beautiful rose and put it with a rough and worn wall.

This was another low angled mid shot. below and above.

Original Photography

This is the original Photo shoot we did to start our photography: Photoshoot 

Friday, 23 September 2011


Below is the link for the photography work we did within class.

Keeksy's Coursework Blog: Photo shoot with keiran Froom and will Walters:

I have also deconstructed some professional photography of my chosen music artist. In my case it is Keith Flint who is the lead singer of The Prodigy.
This Photo is a medium shot as it show him from his waiste up.
In this photo, he is giving the audience a direct mode of address.The clothing he is wearing partner his image, he looks very grungey- there isn't a chance any of his clothes would be designer. Yet there could be some juxtaposition with the representation of the American Flag being freedom yet the sadness withing his eyes could be representing him being trapped and wanting to be free. The lighting used is coming from the right hand side of this medium close up. It is effective as it casts dark shadows on the wall behind him and casts the right hand side of his face into darkness giving an essence of mystery. The image seems to be set in an underground location (this is judging by the shape of the cieling behind him). This may be significant as it could be the same underground place where their hit single Firestarter was recorded.The expression on his face is one of great seriousness. He could be described as looking midly depressed. The eyeliner around his eyes really makes it feel as if he's looking into you which may be thee effect that was intended. His body language seems very stiff and rugged which could make us believe he is tense or angry. He also has many facial piercing's which is stereotypical of the punk look Keith Flint is going for. the setting around him seems very bland and dull, which draws the focus to Keith Flint as we are not distracted by anything else.

Above is a magazine front cover featuring my chosen artist from my chosen music genre. Again it feature Keith Flint. This may be a somewhat plain cover yet it does have a few steriotypical elements of an electronica article. There is a promotion of 'The top 50 clubs in Britain'. This is significant as clubs are famed for playing electronica music to the masses. This is why Keith Flint appears on the cover as The Prodigy's Electronica music will feautre in these clubs. There is an above angle shot used which shows the whole profile of his body on the photograph. There is also specific focus on his face which has an aggressive wild expression. This relates to their music which can be described as the same. He is dressed wildly and combined with his piercings and his hair, this creates a wild look wich is perfect for this music genre.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

My own Magazine Genre

Now i will decide which kind of music and scene i shall base my own music magazine piece on. After some thought and consideration I arrived at the music Genre of Electronica. I have been a lifelong fan of this kind of music. After being brought up on the likes of Gary Numan etc. i wished to pursuit the modern Electronica scene. To inspire ideas for the style of my magazine, I created a Gloggster page on all of the Elctronica artists i could think of. (see below)

An example of the music in specific would be the song Cars by Gary Numan and a more mordern type of electronica can be shown in the song Feel Good by Modestep:

Also, i have a link to a news article which features Daft Punk. Within the article we see how Electronic artists get their music discovered and how it can be timeless as it would still be popular amongst fans today:

Friday, 9 September 2011

Hello, and welcome to my Media Music Magazine Coursework Blog!

Welcome to the first blog of my magazine coursework project. Over the course of this blog i will show you how i have built up the ideas for my music magazine. I am particularly interested in Genre's like Drum 'n' Bass, R&B, Hip-Hop and 80's Electronica music. Artists that i am interested in are- Pendulum, The Prodigy, David Guetta, Soft Cell, Thompson Twins, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, De La Soul, Run DMC, Public Enemy, Chase & Status, Sub Focus, Dizzee Rascal and Madness.
The natural choice of magazine for me to study would be on that entirely focused on Music. Magazines such as Rolling Stone, Q and NME would be good role models for my own project. Q is a magazine which covers a range of music genres from Rock and Roll to Hip-Hop. Therefore the audience of this magazine stretches across many groups of people. The Way the articles or written, this magazine would appeal to teen-agers and adults. I'd say this may appeal more to men however would have the same appeal to general music lovers. According to NRS Readership Estimates on, Q is mostly read by men aged 15-44. over 4 times as many men in that age category read this magazine than those over 45. Also, 3 times the amount of men read this magazine than women. Q is the most popular monthly music magazine. However, Kerrang and NME are extremely popular weekly music magazines. Here is a link to the Q Magazine website: