Monday 17 October 2011

Completed Front Cover and Contents Page

College Magazine Evaluation
During the photography, I learnt a range of new skills and key words. I learnt about the use of framing and all the different features of a photograph of a person such as Mode of Address. I believe for my own photography it could have gone better as much front cover image was more of a medium shot than a medium close up like required. This is because due to there only being two of us, we couldn’t position the camera in a favourable place and get us both within the shot.
I believe that I learnt a lot about using the software as Photoshop used to be completely alien to me. However, I can now confidently crop out the background of a photo and edit the colouring and lighting. This is something I would not have been able to do before therefore this is a great help to me. Also, using In Design was something new to me so learning to use that software was greatly useful as it made the process of making the front cover and contents page very easy.
I think that my over-all magazine cover was a bit of a disappointment. I did not get the effect I was looking for. However I believe this is due to the white background. I initially wanted a black background but this was too much of a task as the pictured kept on losing focus on that background for whatever reason. Also whilst using In Design each item has a box around it, and now that they were taken away, may page has a lot of white gaps in which does not look professional at all. I believe that I used the house style effectively and the style of the magazine remains constant. It does look feasible as a college magazine yet I believe I could have done a much better job.
I chose what I did because I wanted to create a magazine that would appeal to students and actually make them want to read it. No student want’s an information booklet on universities or loads of information that doesn’t apply to them. This is why I used the information from my questionnaire to create the articles. This can be shown by promoting “The Strokes”. This is because a lot of the participants in my questionnaire enjoyed indie music so it seemed obvious to feature it in my magazine. Also, the free gift of ‘Festive Condoms’ is there purely for fact people said they would be interested in reading about sexual relations and relationships in my questionnaire. This would encourage people to buy the magazine and also help promote safe sex which is both beneficial and sensible. I tried to display my magazine as speaking on the same level as the students so an informal tone is used and the articles are something they can relate to.

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