Tuesday 11 October 2011

Planning for my College Magazine.

College Magazine
1. The name of my magazine will be CLM. (College Lifestyle Magazine)
2. This is what I will plan to make my magazine similar to.

3. It will be the winter edition.
4. Colour Scheme- Red, Black and White.
5. Headlines- COLLEGE SET TO BE HIT BY WORST SNOWFALL FOR 30 YEARS or HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR CHRISTMAS. Kickers- Chance to win gig tickets. Latest winter fashion. Advice on university. Interview with local bands. Christmas wish list.

I have chosen the colour scheme due to the fact i associate all of those colours with winter. Red- Chirstmas White- Snow Black- Represents dark nights. The Kickers have been specifically rendered to meet the needs of the students that i questionned in my questionnaire.

After i did this initial plan for my Magazine, Myself and a couple of other class mates ventured around the college looking for ideal photographs for the front cover. We were given a criteria that the cover image had to be a medium-close up. We also tried to make the image tie in with the edition of the magazine and this is shown by the clothes worn.

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